[영어원서 읽기] Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1영어 공부 2019. 10. 30. 21:56
Chapter 1 Here Comes Charlie
munch 아삭아삭 먹다
torture 고문, 고문과 같은 것, 고문하다
He would see other children taking creamy candy bars out of their pockets and munching them greedily, and that was pure torture.
slab 조각, 평판, 판
The thing, for him, was far, far worse than seeing slabs of chocolate in the shop windows.
Chapter 2 Mr. Willy Wonka's Factory
have something up one's sleeve (나중에 필요할 때 쓰려고 계획, 생각을) 비밀로 지니다 [하다]
He has some really fantastic inventions up his sleeve.
absurd 터무니없는, 우스꽝스러운, 어리석은 / 불합리한, 부조리한
be absurd 어처구니없다.
It's completely absurd!
chuckle 빙그레[싱긋] 웃다.
give/have a chuckle 낄낄 웃다
laughter 웃음, 웃음소리
He began chuckling with laughter.
gobble 게걸스럽게 먹다
gobble something up ~을 눈 깜짝할 사이에 잡아먹다 / (기업 등이 작은 회사 등을) 집어삼키다
He can make chewing gum that never loses its taste, and candy ballons that you can blow up to enormous sizes before you pop them with a pin and gobble them up.
Chapter 3 Mr. Wonka and the Indian Prince
colossal 거대한, 엄청난
come all the way out to ~ 까지 오다
out of (재료, 원료로)
Prince Pondicherry asked him to come all the way out to India and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.
This is a doll out of paper that she made for her daughter.
I saw a colossal statue out of gold in England.
nibble 조금씩 [야금야금] 먹다, (제의, 생각 등에) 약간 관심을 보이다, 한입
staircase 계단
lick 핥다, 핥아먹다
I'm not even going to nibble the staircase or lick the walls!
It gets in my hair that you nibble at the foods that I made for you.
pull one's leg 놀리다, 농담하다
Are you pulling my leg?
If she is pulling my leg again, I'll lose my temper!
Chapter 4 The Secret Workers
astonish 깜짝 놀라게 하다
astonishing 정말 놀라운, 믿기 힘든
Then something astonishing happend.
light (- lit -lit) 불을 붙이다, 불이 붙다
furnace 용광로
light the furnace 아궁이에 불을 때다
Someone's lit the furnaces!
What sort of people are they that work in there?
What sort of animals are they that eat fishes?
Chapter 5 The Golden Tickets
dotty 약간 미친, 이상한
The man's dotty.
glisten 반짝이다, 번들거리다
Wouldn't it be something, Charlie, to open a bar of candy and see a Golden Ticket glistening inside!
Chapter 6 The First Two Finders
flabby (군살이) 축 늘어진
bulge (~으로) 가득 차다, 불룩하다, 툭 튀어나오다, 지방(살)
monstrous 도저히 말도 안 되는, 무시무시하게 큰, 거대한
currant 건포도 (curranty = like a currant)
Great flabby folds of fat bulged out from every part of body, and his face was like a monstrous ball of dough with two small greedy curranty eyes peering out upon the world.
I have a bulging backpack.
His eyes bulged.
He eats so many candy bars a day that it was almost impossible for him not to finde one.
He wouldn't go on eating like he does unless he needed nourishment.
You won't get fat unless you enjoy some kind of desserts.
Ougustus [https://roalddahl.fandom.com/wiki/Augustus_Gloop] revolt 반란, 저항, 반란을 일으키다,
revolting 혐오스러운, 역겨운 (=disgusting, repulsive)
What a revolting woman and a repulsive boy.
This has a revolting smell.
It is said that the people are revolting in Honkong.
spree 흥청망청하기, 흥청거리기
frantically 미친 듯이, 극도로 흥분하여
be/get caught up in something ~에 휘말리다, ~에 열중하다
The whole country seemed suddenly to be caught up in a mad candy-buying spree, everybody searching frantically for those precious remaining tickets.
amid (=amidst) ~가운데, ~으로 에워싸인
rip off ~을 훔치다, 뜯어내다, 빼앗다, 파괴하다
dagger 단도, 단검
When the police entered his house to arrest him, they found him sitting on the floor amidst mountains of candy, ripping off the wrappers with the blade of a long dagger.
show off 과시하다
back tooth 어금니
duchess 공작부인
While the professor was showing off the machine to the public at the candy counter of a large department store, the mechanical arm shot out and made a grab for the gold filling in the back tooth of a duchess who was standing neaby.
beaming 빛나는, 기쁨에 넘친, 밝은
grin (소리 없이) 활짝 웃다
from ear to ear 입을 크게 벌리고
She was sitting between her beaming father and mother in the living room of their house, waving the Golden Ticket above her head, and grinning from ear to ear.
yank 홱 잡아당기다
yank something off (옷을) 벗어던지다
full speed/steam ahead 전속력으로, 힘껏
I had every workers in the place yanking the paper off those bars of chocolate full speed ahead from morning till night.
He yanked the door open.
spank (특히 아동에 대한 체벌로) 엉덩이를 때리다
She needs a real good spanking.
Grandpa Joe https://www.pinterest.co.kr/pin/693695148832164577/ No good can ever come from spoiling a child like that. 그런 식으로 아이를 망치면 소용없다.
It's no good to shut your eyes to the fact.
You mark my words. 내 말을 명심해.
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