TED Ed로 영어공부 2 "What Really Happens To the Plastics You Throw Away?"영어 공부 2019. 10. 28. 22:50
be about to 막 ~ 하려고 하다
diverge 갈라지다 [나뉘다], 벗어나다, 일탈하다
nothing less than 그야말로, 그야말로
This journeys are about to diverge with outcomes that impact nothing less than the fate of the planet.
But they weren't always this way. 그러나 항상 그렇지는 않다.
conceive [타동사] ~를 착상하다, 생각해내다, ~라고 생각하다 [수동형으로] -를 시작하다, 창건하다
oil refinery 정유공장
The heroes of our story were conceived in this oil refinery.
monomer 단위체
pellet 알갱이
resilient 회복력있는, 탄력 있는
The plastic in thier bodies was formed by chemically bonding oil and gas molecules together to make monomers.
These monomers were bonded into long polymer chains to make plastic in the form of millions of pellets.
Those were melted at manufacturing plants and reformed in molds to create the resilient material that makes up the triplets' bodies.
unceremoniously (= rude, sudden, informal) 인정사정없이, 무심하게
Machines filled the bottles with sweet bubbliy liquid and they were then wrapped, shipped, bought, opened, consumed and unceremoniously discarded.
poise 태세를 취하다, (어떤 상태로) 유지하다 [두다]
Now here they lie, poised at the edge of the unknown.
brethren (같은 사회에 사는) 사람들, (신앙의) 형제, 동포
dump 버리다, (쓰레기) 폐기장
take up (시간, 공간을) 차지하다, 쓰다
Bottle one like hundreds of millions of tons of his plastic brethren, ends up in a landfill. This huge dump expands each day as more trash comes in and continues to take up space.
As plastics sit there being compressed amonst layers of other junk, rainwater flows through the waste and absorbs the water-soluble compounds in contains, and some of those are highly toxic.
leachate 침출수
agonize 고민하다, 고뇌하다, 몹시 괴로워하다, 고통에 몸부림치다, 고투하다
decompose 분해하다, 부패되다.
They create a hamful stew called leachate, which can move into groundwater, soil, and streams, poisoning ecosystems and harming wildlife. It can take bottle one an agonizing 1,000 years to decompose.
trickle (액체가 가늘게) 흐르다, 천천히 흘러가다, 조금씩 흐르는 소량의 액체
vortex 소용돌이
Bottle two floats on a trickle that reaches a stream, a tream that flows into a river, and a river that reaches the ocean. After months lost at sea, he's slowly drawn into a massive vortex, where trash accumulates, a place known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
gyre 나선형, 소용돌 이형
This is one of five plastic-filled gyres in the world's seas. Places where the pollutants turn the water into a cloudy plastic soup.
entangle 얽매이다, 꼼짝 못 하게 하다
Some animals, like seabirds, get entangled in the mess. They mistake the brightly colored plastic bits for food.
biodegrade 생분해되다
destine [보통 수동형으로] be destined to do 정해지다
Most plastics don't biodegrade, which means they're destined to break down into smaller and smaller pieces called micro plastics, which might rotate in the sea eternally.
spare 살리다, (특히 남들은 피할 수 없었던 상해, 죽음 등을) 피하게 [면하게] 해 주다
purgatory 지옥 (같은 곳)
But bottle three is spared the cruel purgatories of his brothers.
humble 초라한, 작은, 변변찮은
The sky is the limit. 제한이 없다. 무제한이다.
For this bit of plastic with such humble origins, suddenly the sky is limit.
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