TED Ed 로 영어 공부 1 "Why Do Cats Act so Weird?"영어 공부 2019. 10. 26. 17:45
pounce (공격하거나 잡으려고 확) 덮치다[덤비다]
cram (좁은 공간 속으로 억지로) 밀어[쑤셔] 넣다
- (고양이가, 특히 기분 좋아서) 가르랑거리다. (골골송ㅎㅎ)
- (기계·차량이)(계속해서 낮게) 부웅부웅[부르릉] 하는 소리를 내다[내며 가다]
- (낮고 부드럽게) 기분 좋은 목소리로 말하다; (남의 관심을 끌거나 부탁 등을 하기 위해) 아양을 떨듯이 말하다.
Many people watch YouTube videos of cats pouncing, bouncing, climbing, cramming, stalking, clawing, chattering, and purring.
feline 고양잇과의, 고양이같은
amuse (사람을) 즐겁게[미소 짓게/재미있게] 하다
baffle 완전히 당황하게 만들다; 도저히 이해할 수 없다
somewhat 다소, 어느정도, 약간
These somewhat strange feline behaviors, both amusing and baffling, leave many of us asking, "Why do cats do that?"
carnivore 육식동물
predator <-> prey
instinctual 본능에 따른
As both predator and prey, survival of their species depended on crucial instinctual behaviors which we still observe in wild and domestic cats today.
perplex 당혹하게 하다
- [자동사] (동물이) 새끼를 낳다
Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.
- [타동사] ~ sth (for/as sth) (동물·식물을 번식시키기 위해) 사육하다[재배하다]
The rabbits are bred for their long coats.
- [타동사] …을 야기하다[불러오다]
Nothing breeds success like faithful.
- [타동사] [주로 수동태로] ~ sth into sb (자라나는) ~의 마음속에 ~을 심어주다
Fear of failure was bred into him at an early age.
While the feline actions of your house cat might seem perplexing, in the wild, these same behaviors, naturally bred into cats for millions of years, whould make a super cat.
vantage 우세, 유리, 유리한 위치
Cats climbed to high vantage points to survey their territory and spot prey in the wild.
Viewing the living room from the top of the bookcase is exactly what she has evolved to do.
Since most cat prey are small, cats in the wild needed to eat many times each day, and use a stalk, pounce, kill, eat strategy to stay fed.
chase 추적하다, 뒤쫓다
This is why your cat prefers to chase and pounce on little toys and eat small meals over the course of the day and night.
propensity ~ (to do sth) (격식) (특정한 행동을 하는) 경향[성향] = inclination
- 강요하다, ~ 하게 만들다
- [타동사] (어떤 반응을) 자아내다[불러오다]
Small prey tend to hide in tiny spaces in their natural environments, so one explanation for your cat's propensity to reach into containers and openings is that she is compelled by the same curiosity that helped ensure the continuation of her species for milions of years before.
rip 째다 찢다, 찢어지다
shred 자르다, 찢다, 채를 썰다
She's ripping these things like couch, chair, ottoman to shreds and keeping her claws in tip-top shape because this is exactly what her ancestors did in order to survive.
odor 냄새, 악취, 향수
litter box 애완동물용 변기(화장실), 쓰레기통
It also explains why she prefers a clean and odor-free litter box.
sniff 코를 킁킁[벌름]거리다, (코를 킁킁벌름거리며) 냄새를 맡다
give away 누설하다, 폭로하다
be less likely to ~할 가능성이 더 적다
That's less likely to give away her location to any predators that may be sniffing around nearby.
considering ~을고려하면
predominate (수적·양적으로) 지배적이다[두드러지다]
Considering everything we do know about cats, it seems that one of their most predominate behaviors is still one of the most mysterious.
stealthy 살며시[몰래]하는, 잠행하는
They developed through time as both solitary predators that hunted and killed to eat and stealthy prey that hid and escaped to survive.
outsmart ~보다 한 수 앞서다
dumb 멍청한, 바보같은, 말을 못하는
Who are we? Big, dumb, hairless cats competing with them for resources? Terribly stupid predators they're able to outsmart every day?
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