Ted Ed로 영어공부 3 "How to understand power?"영어 공부 2019. 11. 2. 15:36
- Do you sense them?
- Do you realize why it matters?
reside with (권한, 권리 등이) ~에 있다 [속하다]
In democracy, power is supposed to reside with the people.
The authority about leaving this group resides with team leader.
take advantage of ~을 이용하다
Learning how power operates is key to being effective, being taken seriously, and not being taken advantage of.
They took advantage of their employees for success.
bureaucracy 관료 (체제/국가)
This is the use of law and bureaucracy to compel to do or not do certain things.
They framed a plan to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy.
dictatorship 독재 정부
consent 동의(하다)
the governed 피통치자
In a dictatorship, state power emerges from the threat of force, not the consent of the governed.
boundless 끝이 없는
An idea, individual liberties, say, or racial equality, can generate boundless amounts of power if it motivates enough people to change their thinking and actions.
intensity 강렬함, 격렬함, 강도
assert 주장하다
A vocal mass of people creates power by expressing collective intensity of interest and by asserting legitimacy.
The demonstration in Hongkong has grown in intensity until now.
harness (동력원 등으로) 이용하다
Politics is the work of harnessing that flow in a dirction you prefer.
We're developing skills how harness the sun for energy.
perpetuate 영구화하다, 영속시키다
Policymaking is an effort to freeze and perpetuate a particular flow of power.
beget (어떤 결과를) 부르다, 낳다, 야기하다
Power begets more power, and so does powerlessness.
enshrine ~을 소중히 하다, ~을 지니다, ~을 (문서따위에) 정식으로 기입하다
What rules do we set up so that a few people don't accumulate too much power, and so that they can't enshirne thier privilege in policy?
map out ~을 계획하다 [준비하다]
Map out who has what kind or power, arrayed in what systems.
coalition 연립정부, 연합체
charismatic 카리스마가 있는, 독실한
Study strategies others in such situations used: frontal attack or indirection, coalitions or charismatic authority.
(정면 공격인지 우회 전술인지 연합을 맺는지 카리스마적인 권위를 이용하는지 읽고 나면, 쓸 수 있을 겁니다.)
# 관계사
- We've explored where civic power comes from, how it works and what you can do to exercise it.
- The only thing that keeps law number three from leading to a situation where only one person has all the power is how we apply laws one and two.
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