도치구문, 예시로 이해하기영어 공부 2022. 11. 19. 17:04
1. never, not hardly, little, seldom, only 로 문장이 시작 할 경우
Little did she understand what the conversation was about.
☞ She little understood what the convaersation was about.
Not only were you late, but also you didn't have a vaild reason.
☞ You were not only late, but you also didn't have a valid reason.
Never did I commit a crime.
☞ I never committed a crime.
2. be 동사 + 형용사 / V ing / p.p 구조에서 도치 구문
More important than your personal statement is your GPA.
☞ Your GPA is more important than your personal statement.
Burnig out of control was the forest near my house.
☞ The forest near my house was burning out of control.
Attached are my resume and cover letter.
☞ My resume and cover letter are attached.
3. 장소나 방향을 나타내는 부사구에서 도치구문
In this house lived Cinderella.
☞ Cinderella lived in this house.
Here come the regrets that have remained secretly.
☞ The regrets that have remained secrelty come here. (실제로 이렇게 쓰진 않음)
There goes the wonderful opportunity that I have been waiting for.
☞ The wonderful opportunity that I have been waiting for goes there. (실제로 쓰진 않음)
4. 가정법에서 if 가 생략되는 경우의 도치구문
Shoud you have any inquires, please contact our customer.
☞ If you have any inquires, please contact our customer service.
Were I you, I would accept the offer.
☞ If I were you, I woud accpet the offer.
Had you told me earlier, I could have helped you.
☞ If you had told me earlier, I could have helped you.
♬ should의 다양한 의미
1) 의무: You should be on time.
2) 당연: Considering his age, he should be good at sport.
3) 혹시라도 (happen to)
If you happen to have any inquires, ~
=> should you have any inquires, ~
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